안녕하세요. 지난달 출시된 ChatGPT(AI 채팅 언어 프로그램).
오픈된 지 5일 만에 100만 명이 접속하여 사용할 정도로 혁신적인 대화형 인공지능 언어 프로그램입니다.
정보 검색은 물론, 수학 문제 풀이, 논문 작성, 번역, 소설 작문, 블로그 작성, 유투브 편집, 프로그래밍 코딩까지 가능하다는 ChatGPT 컴알못인 제가 이용해 봤습니다.
목 차
1. OpenAi 접속
2. 어카운트 개설(구글, Bing계정 연결 가능)
3. Playground에서 질문작성 후 submit
4. 질문 예시 및 챗봇의 답변
5. 맺음말
1. OpenAi에 접속합니다.
OpenAI is an AI research and deployment company. Our mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity.
2. 어카운트를 개설합니다.(구글이나 마이크로소프트 계정이 있으면 연결)
3. 상단 Playground에서 질문하고 싶은 문장을 작성 후 submit.
다른 언어도 되지만, 영어 질문에 최적화되어 있다고 하고, 현재의 GPT-3.5 버전은 2021년 4분기까지의 데이터가 생성되어 있어 정확도를 위해서는 이후의 업데이트 상황을 별도 체크해야 합니다.
4. 질문 예시 및 챗봇의 답변
블로그 운영의 득과 실은 무엇이고, 블로그로 수입 만드는 방법을 물어봅니다.
What are the pros and cons of blogging and how to generate income from blogging?
Pros of Blogging:
1. Builds Credibility - Blogging can help you build credibility as an expert in your field. By providing valuable content to readers, you can demonstrate your knowledge and expertise.
2. Networking - Blogging can provide a platform for you to network with other professionals in your field, share information and build relationships.
3. Increased Visibility - Blogging can help you increase your visibility online, allowing you to reach a wider audience.
4. Connects You to Your Audience - Blogging can help you stay connected with your audience and provide them with valuable content.
5. Generates Traffic - Blogging can help you generate more traffic to your website, which can lead to more sales and opportunities.
6. SEO Benefits - Blogging can help you optimize your website for search engines, which can help you increase your rankings in the search engine results pages.
Cons of Blogging:
1. Time-Consuming - Blogging can take a lot of time and effort, and it’s not always easy to keep up with a regular posting schedule.
2. Content Quality - It can be challenging to come up with quality content consistently.
단점이 두 가지밖에 안 나오고, 인컴에 대한 답을 안 줘서, 챗봇에게 '더 자세하게'를 명령합니다.
뽀모도로: more details
3. Technical Issues - Blogging can involve a lot of technical aspects, such as setting up a website, managing hosting, and dealing with other technical issues.
4. Risk of Spam - It’s important to be aware of the risk of spam when blogging, as it can damage your reputation and credibility.
Generating Income From Blogging:
1. Affiliate Marketing - Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s own marketing efforts.
2. Advertising - Advertising is another common way to generate income from a blog. You can place ads on your blog to monetize it.
3. Sponsored Posts - Sponsored posts are posts that are paid for by a company or brand. They can be used to promote a product or service.
4. Selling Products - You can also generate income from your blog by selling your own products or services.
5. Membership Sites - Membership sites can be used to generate income from blogging. You can offer exclusive content and access to members who pay a monthly fee.
6. Consulting - Consulting can be a great way to generate income from
6번 consulting이 문장을 다 마치지 않고 끝나서, 계속하라고 명령해 봅니다.
뽀모도로: please keep going from
blogging. You can offer your expertise and advice to businesses for a fee.7. Coaching - You can also offer coaching services through your blog. This could involve offering advice or mentorship to those who are looking to improve their skills or career.8. Courses - You can also create and sell courses through your blog. This could involve creating e-books, videos, or webinars to teach people about a certain topic or skill.9. Events - You can also host events, such as workshops or seminars, to generate income from your blog. This could involve charging an admission fee or offering sponsorships.
5. 맺음말
아직 완벽하지는 않지만, 결과를 보니 놀랍고 한편으로는 무섭습니다.
뉴욕타임스에 의하면, 현재 GPT-3.5의 업그레이드 버전인 GPT-4가 2023년 1/4분기에 출시될 예정이라는데, 보다 방대한 양의 데이터와 이용자 증대로 올 하반기에는 본격적인 상용화가 이뤄질 것 같습니다.
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